Yoghurt pikelets and kiwifruit jam

We always focus on the pavlova as the great battleground between Australian and New Zealand cuisine, but it could just as easily be the pikelet. Originally adapted from Scottish drop scones, just like the pavlova it’s likely the pikelet came first from New Zealand as a delicious contrast to thin British-style pancakes. Matched with a bit of kiwifruit jam, it’s a classic New Zealand afternoon tea.


Kiwifruit jam
  • 1 kgkiwifruit flesh
  • 3lemons, juiced
  • 125 ml(½ cup) water
  • 330 g(1½ cups) caster sugar
Yoghurt pikelets
  • 1egg
  • 1½ tbspcaster sugar
  • 360 g(1½ cups) natural yoghurt
  • 150 g(1 cup) plain flour
  • 1 tspbicarbonate of soda
  • a few tbspmilk (optional)
  • 20 gmelted butter, plus extra for brushing
  • clotted cream, to serve