
This Afghani dumpling recipe involves filling gow gee wrappers (or you can make your own pastry) with a meat and onion mixture, steaming them, then serving them with a split pea sauce and garlic yoghurt. It is truly delicious.


  • 2 packetsgow gee wrappers
  • dried mint
  • chilli powder
  • splashof oil
  • 500 glamb mince 
  • 1 kgonions, diced
  • 1 tbspcoriander powder
  • crushed black pepper
Topping for sauce
  • 250 gyellow split peas
  • splashof oil
  • 2onions, diced
  • 2garlic cloves
  • 3tomatoes, diced
  • 1 tbsptomato paste
  • 1 tspsalt
  • 3 tbspoil
Topping for yoghurt
  • 500 gplain yoghurt
  • 2garlic cloves, crushed