Afghani eggs with fragrant lentils and pita

It may not look all that flash – a mangle of red, with the eggs setting in the hot tomato and capsicum sauce – but the flavours are robust, wonderful and worth getting out of bed for... or getting out of bed to make, if you’re the cook of the house.


  • 1 tbspolive oil
  • 1small red onion, peeled, finely chopped
  • 1small red capsicum, halved, sliced
  • ½ tspcumin seeds
  • 400 g(about 2 large) tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 1 tbspdried mint
  • 2eggs, lightly whisked
  • warm pita bread, to serve
Garlicky lentils
  • 1 tbspolive oil
  • 2garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1small celery stalk, finely chopped
  • 1long red chilli, finely chopped
  • 200 g(1 cup) green lentils
  • 1cinnamon quill